Wednesday, October 26, 2011

So last year was one of the craziest teaching years, where I would think, "What else should I be when I grow up?"-- a back-up dancer for the Pet Shop Boys? a professional book reader?

The room was filled with the oldest child or the only child. I've never laughed so hard and never had so many mini-nervous breakdowns. Thank goodness for Snicker bars and Diet Coke!

During the summer, I had a few girlfriends that I did some 'crafty' things with, and I realized I had been missing something for awhile. I took some summer classes and the excitement of teaching started coming back as well. Then I was introduced to Pinterest. Seriously, I felt the heavens open and the Spirit of Enlightenment fall upon me! Ahhhhh! (in a high-pitched angel voice)

Thanks for all the cute teaching blogs and making THE cutest units that go along with the Common Core. I just love that the whole nation is doing the same thing now.

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